Sunday, June 25, 2006

Myspace still filled with trash

Latest message from the girl, Melissa.
"greetings babe,im melissa i thought i would message you because i loved ur profile<333>at'>">at my homepage~ "

If anyone who reads this is also getting this crap from her, let me know what you're getting it and I'll post it.

Dave Matthews Band

hav e

ticket s.

Elizabeth Buck a true hero

I did a story yesterday.


I shot photos of a story yesterday. The story was all ready told. Sorry Michael, the work was done for both of us. What a story we had before us yesterday.

Check out for the story, or be lazy and click the hot link here for the story.

This is a tale of will power, self confidence, hope and love. Michael did do a good job of wording the story, and I thought the photos turned out well considering that I didn't even see Elizabeth play.
