UK Parking Sucks
I need to be recharged. I'm just looking at the next five weeks and saying, please, please, please pass by as quick as possible.
I really need that time after to just rest, be with family, my girlfriend and buddies back home. I just want nothing more than to wake up and NOT know what I'm going to do for the day.
Confession: I got my third parking ticket today. I forgot my car out in the garage (second time, first time I remembered at 12:30). They start ticketing at 5:30, and I woke up around then because it's so hot in my room (no joke, the chocolate my mom gave me is now melting because they wont turn the freaking air on). I remembered I forgot to move my car, and sprinted to the garage hoping to get my car before the ticketing monsters did.
I failed.
They got my car, they're going to charge me 25 bucks and I think it's a scam. I talked to some friends today, and we think they're just compensating lack of funds through parking. We can't fight it, it is the rules but they enforce the rules so much. I mean to have ticketed me 3 minutes after the rule. That just sucks.
I want to find a way to fight you UK. We pay enough for tuition, on your rip off meal plan, and assorted other charges (your stupid parking passes that cost 170 bucks or so) and you still try to scam out a few extra dollars.
(once again Mike Wazowski you were out of the picture...sorry)
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